Leica DM2500 LED

Leica DM2500 LED

Leica DM2500 & DM2500 LED optical microscopes are tools for demanding tasks in life science routine and research applications. With their transmitted light illumination, optical performance, and state-of-the-art accessories, they are especially well-suited for challenging life science research tasks that require differential interference contrast or high-performance fluorescence.

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Leica DM2500 & DM2500 LED optical microscopes are tools for demanding tasks in life science routine and research applications. With their transmitted light illumination, optical performance, and state-of-the-art accessories, they are especially well-suited for challenging life science research tasks that require differential interference contrast or high-performance fluorescence.

The difference between the two optical microscopes is their illumination: DM2500 LED is equipped with LED illumination for transmitted light, DM2500 works with halogen. Both types of illumination render a realistic impression of the colours of the sample, so that users in clinical applications, such as the frequently used HE specimen staining, are able to assess the colours of their samples accurately.
Designed with application-oriented modularity, the DM2500 & DM2500 LED can be configured to fit a wide variety of applications and accommodate the diverse physical requirements of individual users.

  • For: Brightfield (BF), Phase Contrast (PH), Darkfield (DF), Fluo (FL), Advance POL, DIC
  • Large selection of high class objectives
  • Nosepiece 6 or 7 fold
  • Koehler Illumination
  • Height-adjustable focus knobs
  • Wide range of accessories
  • Integrated Adjustable Controls
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