"30 years serving with Integrity and Commitment"


  • The Leica EM VCM loading station enables you to connect different preparation techniques to various analysis devices such as Cryo-SEM, Cryo-TEM and Cryo-CLEM
  • With Leica EM VCT500 you can transfer samples under cryogenic conditions or at room temperature as well as under vacuum or protected atmosphere.
  • The Leica EZ4 educational stereomicroscope with 4.4:1 zoom for entry level university and college courses such as biology, anatomy and chemistry provides over 20 years of bright LED illumination which saves time and cost of replacement bulbs.
  • The Leica EZ4 educational stereomicroscope with 4.4:1 zoom for entry level university and college courses such as biology, anatomy and chemistry provides over 20 years of bright LED illumination which saves time and cost of replacement bulbs.
  • The FLEXACAM C1 can be adapted to your workplace setup - simply connect the camera to your monitor or PC and network. Thanks to the 12 MP CMOS sensor and large dynamic range, fine details and true-to-life colors are a given. adaptable microscope camera solution for a wide variety of samples and applications in industry, life science, forensics, and education .
  • The Leica Flexarm stand can rotate 360° and has a radius of up to one meter, making it highly mobile. This allows for convenient viewing of large samples, which should not or cannot be moved. This is ideal for inspection, assembly, and quality control in electronics manufacturing, in dental laboratories and many other applications.
  • The Leica FS 2500 TL features two Leica DM2500 or DM2700P microscopes with transmitted light illumination under the motorized comparison bridge Leica FSCB. The Leica FS 2500 TL enables high precision comparison of two objects at magnifications up to 1000x, in transmitted light brightfield, transmitted polarized light and transmitted light phase contrast, supplying reliable evidence of the tiniest differences in their microstructure, texture and color.
  • Leica FS C motorized comparison macroscope is used for a wide range of forensic investigations including ballistics, toolmark, and document comparison. Intelligent Automation combines with outstanding ergonomic design.
  • The Leica DM4 B complements perfectly the micro comparison bridge. Its fully automatic light management, integrated Variolux color module, selected optics pairs and reproducible illumination ensure you the greatest possible comparison reliability. Contrast methods are available at the touch of a button, while the microscope parameters are automatically stored by the software. The results are thus reproducible at any time.
  • The Leica FS M manually-controlled forensic macroscope provides the flexibility, convenience, and comfort that make it the universal instrument of firearms and tool mark examiner. The versatile system is ideal for the simultaneous observation of evidence for training and consultation. The high-quality comparison bridge supports two precisely matched sets of apochromatically corrected objectives on quintuple ball-bearing nosepieces.