"30 years serving with Integrity and Commitment"

Advance Microscopy

  • The Leica CLS LED light source has been developed for routine and high-end microscopy applications. It is compatible with all fiber-optic light guides of the LED series.
  • The Leica LED5000 / Leica LED3000 family is also fully integrated into the complete system of stereomicro­scopes and accessories from Leica Microsystems Focusing columns with integrated electronics connect all digital signals and send them to Leica Application Suite
  • The intuitive A60 F and A60 S stereo microscopes fulfill what you need – high sample throughput, optimum visibility of product details and components, and easy processing of subassemblies.
  • With the DVM6, you can get from the big picture to smallest details in an instant. You can seamlessly carry on working even if changing objective is required, as the sample always stays in focus and no pre-adjustments are needed.
  • For transmitted light applications. The Leica LED3000 BLI makes it easy to equip a microscope system with transmitted light. The illuminator can be combined with standard baseplates or even used as a standalone instrument.
  • Diffused illumination gives uniform illumination without shadow and glare effects. The Leica LED3000 DI and LED5000 HDI are ideal for documenting samples that are difficult to illuminate using other methods.
  • The unique Leica MCI (Multi Contrast Illumination) systems are ideal for applications that previously required goosenecks. The flat angle of the oblique incident light creates particularly high contrast for precise viewing of even the smallest uneven surfaces and defects such as scratches and dust particles.
  • The Leica LED3000 NVI is ideal for viewing recesses and holes, since the light falls almost vertically on the sample. In contrast to coaxial illumination it is also ideally suited for non-reflective and uneven sample Surface. NVI illumination shines almost straight down onto the sample plane. This allows cavities and recesses to be very well illuminated. The Leica NVI is installed between the microscope carrier and the objectives
  • The Leica LED5000 CXI coaxial illuminator is used for quality control of flat, polished, or reflective samples. Scratches, cracks, impurities, and pores are made exceptionally visible. With coaxial illumination, light is coupled directly into a beam path and reflected into another beam path by the flat sample.
  • With a coded zoom and apochromatic optics, the Leica M125 C offers high-end quality for mid-range budgets. Combining optimal resolution and depth of field with the integrated double iris diaphragm.
  • Do you have to perform a wide variety of tasks but don’t want to constantly change the objective or even switch the microscope? Offering a large zoom and magnification range the Leica M165 C allows you manage all different kind of samples.
  • The Leica M165 FC fully apochromatic corrected stereo microscope with 16.5:1 zoom optics resolves structures down to 1.1 micron for detailed fluorescent imaging.