The TUMULUS TU-600 series are designed in compliance with current regulations regarding occupational safety. They consist of a refrigerated compartment where the coffin is placed with the body for its exhibition.
PRACTICAL, COMFORTABLE, EFFECTIVE, ECONOMIC, DEFINITIVE, … the waste coming from the handling of bodies, are not free of bacterial contamination that can affect the technical personnel that manipulates them and, of course, also to the environment.
DESIGNED FOR WASHING AND SUCTION BODIES, BESIDES SANITIZING COLD CHAMBERS TRAYs Specially designed to ensure healthy and hygienic conditions during the bodies’ movement in the morgue, thus ensuring safe working conditions for operators.
The Leica M220 F12 - an ophthalmic microscope is fully dedicated to the needs of ophthalmic surgery. Prestigious Leica optics motorized 5-step APO-chromatic magnification changer and focus, LED-illumination without fiber optics cables for direct and instant Red Reflex, and upgradeable XY-unit are standard features
The Leica M620 F20 – an ophthalmic surgical microscope with its crisp, sharp OptiChrome™ optics gives the surgeon natural color, outstanding depth-of-focus and higher contrast for maximum detail recognition.
The Leica M844 F40 belongs to the premium class of ophthalmic surgical microscopes and offers optimal solutions particularly for posterior and high-end anterior segment surgery.
The Proveo 8 ophthalmic microscope provides the exact image you need at each moment of your procedure. Like a precision timepiece every element of the Proveo 8 microscope interconnects and works in perfect synchrony to optimize your view.
You strive to deliver minimal residual astigmatism so your patient can be glasses-free after cataract surgery. When dealing with miniscule eye structures, there is no room for inaccuracy.