
  • Digital microscope system for digital inspection, observation, and measurement. From tiniest detail to an overview, the optics ensures magnification of up to 300x. The built-in HDMI microscope camera provides full high definition live images of up to 30fps and a resolution of 5Mpixels.Take a fresh look at your samples on a monitor without the need of eyepieces. High-quality, full color still images as well as Full-HD movies are possible.
  • The Leica DMS300 is a complete digital microscope system that utilizes a HDMI-monitor instead of eyepieces. Leica’s high quality 8:1 zoom optics are combined with a 2.5MP camera to provide a full high-definition live image with up to 30fps. The Leica DMS300 produces high-quality, full-color still images as well as Full-HD movies as a standalone system.
  • The DVM6 digital microscope is a fast, reliable, and easy to use solution that combines outstanding optics, intuitive operation, and smart software to save you time
  • Leica LED2000 illumination system was developed for the Leica microscopes of the S series, M series and DMS series. The innovative incident illuminator consists of a 4-point ring illuminator and another arc illuminator for additional contrast.
  • Leica Z16 APO features a 16:1 zoom, with a range from 0.57× to 9.2×. The high magnification Leica Z16 APO is suitable for deployment in microelectronics as well as laboratory workstations in medicine, biology, education, research, development, and forensics. With the standard configuration (apochromatic 1× objective and 10× eyepieces) objects can be observed at a magnification level of up to 115x and, depending on the optics combination, to a maximum of 2300x
  • Manual 6:1 Macroscope for detailed Documentation, Measurement and Evaluation. The Leica Z6 APO is a fully apochromatic zoom system with excellent light transmission for high contrast, high-resolution, detailed analysis. The single beam path provides 2D images and ensures parallax-free imaging. the Leica Z6 APO with 6.3:1 zoom offers the highest numerical aperture: 0.117 nA (351 Lp/mm resolution) with the 1× plan-apochromatic objective
  • Leica Z6 APO/ Z6 APO A with 6.3:1 zoom and Leica Z16 APO/Z16 APO A with 16:1 zoom are designed for highly precise inspection in a wide range of manufacturing applications, including integration in machine vision systems. When combined with apochromatic objectives, the Leica Z line is superior to other zoom systems in contrast, sharpness, color fidelity and imaging precision
  • Snowcoat Clipped Corner Slides are clipped at 45° angles to help reduce glass breakage and fragmentation when loaded into slide printers.