"30 years serving with Integrity and Commitment"

Image Analy

  • The time has come for imaging systems that allow you to tackle easily biologically relevant 3D models: THUNDER Imagers. To answer important scientific questions, they enable you to obtain a clear view of details, even deep within an intact sample, in real-time without out-of-focus blur.
  • The Leica Application Suite (LAS) integrates Leica automated microscopes and digital cameras and provides one common, easy-to-use, consistent user interface. 
  • For industrial quality control and materials research, your goal is to deliver accurate and reliable results. You need software that enables you to work with speed, efficiency, and precision and facilitates your daily tasks.
  • The Leica LAS EZ software, compatible with the Leica EZ4 W/E stereomicroscope, as well as the Leica EC4, Leica ICC50 W/E and Leica IC90 E digital cameras, provides an ideal common, easy-to-use, consistent platform for basic education, industry and life science applications.
  • Leica Application Suite X (LAS X) is the one software platform for all Leica microscopes: It integrates confocal, widefield, stereo, super-resolution, and light-sheet instruments from Leica Microsystems.