
  • High pressure freezing is key for the study of intricate changes in fine structure or cellular dynamics. Cryo-immobilize your aqueous samples under high pressure with a unique freezing principle and uncover secrets of the cellular process.
  • The EM GP2 plunge freezes fluid or extremely thin samples spread on an electron microscopy grid into liquid ethane after removing excess fluid by automatic blotting.
  • During Cryo preparation, tools such as forceps and sample holders often ice over and cannot be immediately used for the next sample run. De-icing and drying of the tools at room temperature is time consuming and can cause damage to sensitive components and may prevent their operation.
  • Freeze Substitution and Low Temperature Embedding System The Leica EM AFS2 performs freeze substitution and progressive lowering of temperature (PLT) techniques and allows low temperature embedding and polymerization of resins.
  • The Leica EM ACE900 is a high-end sample preparation system for freeze fracturing, freeze etching and high resolution cryo coating. This instrument is easy and intuitive to use.
  • The EM ACE600 is a versatile high vacuum film deposition system, designed to produce very thin, fine-grained, and conductive metal and carbon coatings for the highest resolution analysis
  • Producing homogenous and conductive metal or carbon coatings for SEM and TEM analysis was never more convenient than with the Leica EM ACE200 coating system.
  • The DVM6 digital microscope is a fast, reliable, and easy to use solution that combines outstanding optics, intuitive operation, and smart software to save you time
  • If you work in quality control/assurance, failure analysis, research and development, or in forensics, searching for the detail can take up a lot of your time in microscopy. The DVM6 digital microscope is a fast, reliable and easy to use solution that combines outstanding optics, intuitive operation, and smart software to save you time.
  • With the DVM6, you can get from the big picture to smallest details in an instant. You can seamlessly carry on working even if changing objective is required, as the sample always stays in focus and no pre-adjustments are needed. With the tilting function you can observe your sample from different angles from up to ±60° With the DVM6, you can get from the big picture to smallest details in an instant. You can seamlessly carry on working even if changing objective is required, as the sample always stays in focus and no pre-adjustments are needed. With the tilting function you can observe your sample from different angles from up to ±60°.
  • With the DVM6, you can get from the big picture to smallest details in an instant. You can seamlessly carry on working even if changing objective is required, as the sample always stays in focus and no pre-adjustments are needed.
  • The Leica DMS300 is a complete digital microscope system that utilizes a HDMI-monitor instead of eyepieces. Leica’s high quality 8:1 zoom optics are combined with a 2.5MP camera to provide a full high-definition live image with up to 30fps. The Leica DMS300 produces high-quality, full-color still images as well as Full-HD movies as a standalone system.