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Leica DM2700P for research and development

Leica DM2700P for research and development


The Leica DM2700 M flexible upright microscope system uses LED illumination for all contrast methods: brightfield (BF), darkfield (DF), differential interference contrast (DIC), qualitative polarization (POL), and fluorescence (FLUO) applications. It also offers built-in oblique illumination, which improves the visualization of surface topography and defects. Optionally, the Leica DM2700 M can also be equipped with a transmitted light axis. The Leica DM2700 M is equipped, e.g. with an N PLAN achromatic objective series with magnifications from 5x to 100x, a field of view of 22 mm, a flattened image field, and large working distances.

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Leica DM2700P for research and development

the Leica DM2700 P offers a level of reproducibility that is one-of-a-kind in its class, the built-in focus stop protects your samples and the front lens of the objective. For samples of equal height, the focus stop makes the focusing plane easier to reconstruct so you can concentrate entirely on your application. Color-coded lenses match the color-coded field and aperture diaphragm adjustment (CDA), to ensure that the illumination conditions are always matched to the objective. Constant color temperature by advanced LED technology
› Build-in incident light oblique illumination
› Height-adjustable focus knobs
› Color-coded objectives and condenser diaphragms match lenses
› Integrated focus stop prevents objective/sample collisions

    • Objective turret: 5x (M25), centerable
    • Objectives: HiPlan POL, NPlan POL, PL Fluotar POL, Inmersion Objectives
    • Contrast method Changeover: Manual
    • Transmitted light: Orthoscopy, Colonoscopy, Brightfield, Phase contrast, DIC, Darkfield
    • Incident light: Brightfield, DIC, Fluorescence Oblique illumination
    • Colonoscopy: Bertrand lens cube Bertrand lens module (AB module) Advanced colonoscopy module (manual)
    • Transmitted light axis Illumination operation: High power LED Manual, User guidance with CDA
    • Incident light axis: Manual, High power LED User guidance with CDA
    • Condenser: Manual changeover User guidance with CDA
    • Focus drive: Manual, height-adjustable, Focus stop, 2 or 3-gear gearbox Motorization on request